TV Interview: “Cracking The Code Of High-Performance Teamwork”

Nick Fewings CEO Ngagementworks

Do you lead a team or are part of a team?  Would you like to know how to achieve even greater success, effectiveness and engagement? If you do, you may find my TV interview “Cracking The Code Of High-Performance Teamwork” of value and interest.

During the interview, I explain the following:

  • The importance of not only understanding WHO is in your team but also HOW effectively they work together
  • The impact of behaviours on teamwork
  • Getting the balance right between Task and Relationships
  • What the most important element of high-performance teamwork is and that everyone in the team must know and understand
  • What the big data reveals about where teams are struggling, based on those using the Team DyNAmics Model
  • An appreciation of the importance of understanding not only technical skills of team members but their behavioural preferences
  • Why it is important to regularly measure and review how your team is working together
  • Ensuring there is a balance in your team meetings by focussing not only what needs to be achieved but also how it is achieved
  • What areas to focus on initially when building high-performance
  • Hints on pitfalls and how to avoid them

Here is the link:

Cracking The Code Of High-Performance Teamwork

Related articles:

Cracking The Code Of High-Performance Teamwork (6 minute read)

Big Data Reveals That Leaders Don’t Have Tools To Measure Team Performance

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Wishing you continued success and happiness in both work and life.

Yours behaviourally, Nick

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